"Top secret WIP, matey," says I, but because I am trying to keep you, all of my trusty blog followers... erm...'following' my blog, I am hoping to post the odd tasty 'morsel' to keep you all interested...and the above is one such morsel!!!
So, all you Colonial freaks, I'm sure you know what battle the above is from... Keep an eye on the Wargame press over the next few months to see more (this pic won't be published, so I'm pretty safe letting you have this little peek...)
In other news, in about 3 weeks North Star will be releasing the first 3 warbands for 'Muskets and Tomahawks', which will be the next BIG thing here at Guitarhero central. I shall be buying all 3 (Woodland Injuns, Brits and Frenchies) for 'dip and one highlight' painting and much 'Last of the Mohicans stylee gaming!!.
Also, watch for coming conversions of a few 'finest armoured' Arthurian Romano-British Commanipulares infantry (just to create a front rank to give a more WYSIWYG approach to my Romano-Brits) and more Dark Age Welsh cavalry (over the summer)...
Yes, the painting and gaming bug has bitten back and I am getting back 'in the zone!!'