I've completed work on the second of three Roman Fabii Clan Leaders. While doing the second I realised where I'd gone wrong with painting the shield of the first. Instead of painting the background red then drawing the design, I should have painted the shield with a very dark brown background, then done the design and painted round it in red. So I redid the first one's shield, which now looks a bit neater and I'm much happier with it.
I've also repainted the shield and rebased the Crocodile Games Theseus figure who will be the Warlord of the Veii faction in this project. The shield used to have a dark blue background but the white is so much better. This pale blue colour scheme with white shields will contrast them so very nicely with the Fabii Romans, I think.
Work continues apace on the final Fabii Clan Leader, a unit of Sodales (companions - hoplites, basically) and a unit of Clientes (client warriors) with bows. I'm enjoying this immensely. the large scale figures are a joy to paint!