So, what were the standout gaming moments of 2012 at Geetarhero Towerz?
Well, standing proud at number one is...(drum roll...)
DUX BRITANNIARUM, the fabulous Arthurian wargame and campaign rules from Too Fat Lardies. I truly haven't had this much fun wargaming since WAB's Age of Arthur supplement came out!! Hats off to Rich Clarke and co for a set of rules that is at once both simple yet tactically interesting and that has never-ending 'replay' value. For example, Mike and I have played the 'Village Raid' scenario 3 times now and each game has been completely and utterly different. Brilliant set of rules that I will be playing a LOT more of, as the campaign for Linnius continues. We hope to do a club campaign once the multi-player version is out and we are also eagerly awaiting the Northern supplement with Picts, etc, in it!!. Watch this space for some ideas for migrating it to Middle Earth as well...
Standing a (very) short distance behind at number two is...
The Battle of Catraeth!! This was the Hail Caesar mega game designed by James Morris and including 'the Dark Age crew' from across the country (but primarily Nottingham way...) Playing this game was a joy and a pleasure both when we originally did it for the Wargames Illustrated 300 article and when we re-ran it Partizan in September! Great bunch of guys, great fun all round and a grand job with the article, Mr Morris (and Mr Faulconbridge on the photos!)
Following up behind in no particular order...
The Age of Arthur and El Cid days in Mansfield organised by Scrivs and Tom. Top days out with top chaps..grand stuff all round!
Our own Age of Arthur day in Peterborough. As co-organiser and MC for the day, it was a pleasure to see people enjoying themselves so much with something I'd had a hand in organising. More of the same sort of thing coming in 2013 I hope...
Getting my models on the cover of Wargames Soldiers and Strategy magazine along with an accompanying article. I really enjoyed that whole experience and would certainly have another bash at some point if they wanted me to do it! Also, my models getting into Deus Vult and Dux Bellorum was VERY nice, plus of course, War and Conquest (or was that 2011? Memory going now!!)
ECW campaign and BIG battle at the club. A new period for me. I quite enjoyed it and the big battle was a hoot...Pike and Shotte is a good rule set!
Saga...continues to be very enjoyable, although my brief foray into a Norman warband sucked...I'm better with Welsh!!
Just getting down to the wargames club regularly!!! After a few years of 'on-off' attendance, I have really enjoyed playing regularly. A lot of that is finding great games to play with great people and I would particularly like to thank Mike, Grahame and Carl for being regular and always splendid opponents across a variety of rule sets this year, plus thanks to Reuben our club chairman, who does a bloody great job organising an... erm... 'interesting' bunch of gamers such as we are. I think we have a great club with a good range of different games going on. It has gone from strength to strength recently and I'm very pleased and proud to be part of it!
Coming up in 2013...
Lots and lots more Arthurian Dux Brit...Mike and I hope to take a game to The Other Partizan, so that'll need some thought and some work...luckily Mike seems to be becoming a bit of a terrain builder expert, so that'll be helpful!!
Dux Bellorum (finally!)
Painting Tolkien stuff....Elves initially (using the silver colour scheme (thanks to all who responded to my recent post!!), then Orcs if I can manage it. I may play LOTR SBG and am going to have a go at using Dux Brit mechanisms to create army profiles and some scenarios set around the part of the 3rd Age pre-the Hobbit, so raids from Angmar into Arnor, Rivendell and Lindon, plus raids from the Misty Mountains, Mordor and East the into Rohan, Gondor, the Dwarf Realms and Lorien/Mirkwood. I reckon that'll be fun to try and hopefully a few folk can be encouraged to give it a whirl at the club...
Maybe painting some more Late Roman/Arthurian era models
Maybe painting Colonials and French Indian War models...maybe actually play a bit of Muskets and Tomahawks...
Hopefully a bit of Hail Caesar.
Organising another WAB day, possibly with a different period/theme...
We'll see how that lot goes this time next year then!!!!! :-)
Happy New Year, Andy! Probably run into you at Partizan. Please put on a less impressive game, next to ours, this year! ;-)
Excellent stuff, hoping to get to both Partizans this year since I've not been to one since I moved from Newark - very lazy, would be good to see your game at the Other Partizan
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