So, with Mrs Geetarhero away for the day visiting a poorly 96 year old Grandma in hospital, Cameron and I were left at home on a rainy day. Great excuse to get the toys out for a game! Now, I don't yet have any archers painted for the Wood Elves so stuck to their High Elf brethren vs Orcs today. I also went for smaller war bands than I usually do - 24pts including fantastical upgrades - normally we do 24 pts of troops/abilities plus 6 - 12 pts of fantastic upgrades. However, Cameron loses interest too quickly with forces that size, so 24 pts (standard size force) actually worked well. The Elf force was the same as Dan Mersey's Vendel minis sample Sea Elf one in the rulebook, so 2 x elite foot; 1 x light foot and one archers with invisibility and sharpshooter. The Orcs had elite cavalry (Grognutz Elf Biter and his boar riders), greater war beast (reduced model troll unit), 2 units of fearful Gobbo light foot, one of which 'hates' Elves , a unit of Orc archers (Cameron's own models I got him off EBAY) and a unit of Orc Boyz as offensive light foot)
We decided on the Sacred Mole of Ukkert with me playing the dastardly Orcs who'd nicked it!
The game was immense fun, characterised by me rolling diabolical dice, both for activation and in combats and Cameron walked away with the game by rolling staggeringly brilliant dice and, to be fair to him, some sound tactical moves once I'd reminded him of some key rules. He really did play well not just win by good dice!
Here are some pics...a few aren't great cos I was in a hurry taking them during the game, but you'll get the idea!!
The Sacred Mole in its large (Lego) chest!! |
A very overconfident Orc Warboss! |
Prince Arthdan's Elves ready to rescue the Mole... |
Early stages...Already failed activations have strung the Orcs out too far...unlike the highly disciplined Elves! |
Arthadan tries to tempt Wild Charging Orcs into the trees... Clever lad, that Prince... |
Worked like a charm... CHARGE!!!! |
Chop, chop...Urk!!! Dead Gobbos... |
Elf charge!! Finish the Greenskin scum!!! |
Hack, chop, slice... Ground carpeted with dead Gobbos... |
This isn't gonna end well...if you have green skin!!! |
The Orcs still have the Mole, but their war band has lost the Gobbos and Trolls...deadly Elf archery seeing the latter out of the game!! |
CHARGE.... |
Bugger!! That's the Elf dice.... |
And mine...thrice bugger, feck and damnation!!!! |
Phew... A draw!!! |
Argh...more Gobbos hacked down in heaps by those Elf princely guards... |
The Mole-carriers make a desperate bid for freedom... |
Aahh... Oh dear!! |
This REALLY isn't going well now!!! |
And that's that...only archers left now... The Elves have triumphed!!! |
That looks great fun Andy.
Wish I could persuade my offspring to give DR a try
Sons do seem to enjoy thrashing their fathers!
Those look like normal dice for you Andy!
Exellent AAR !!!
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