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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

100,000 Page views!!!!

Well, I'll be jiggered!! I've finally passed the 100,000 views mark!!!

Thank you so very much to all my visitors, both regular and occasional for all of your support. Without you, my blogging would be utterly pointless!

Please visit me again in a day or two for news of a rather nice little prize draw to celebrate this little milestone...


James Brewerton said...

great stuff I always find your work truly inspiring.
Peace James

Unknown said...

Happy 100,000 views mate!!!

Keep up the good work.


Mike Whitaker said...

Congrats, mate! :D

Dalauppror said...

Congratulation Andy !!!

Best regards Michael

Itinerant said...

Congrats - very cool.

Millsy said...

Well done mate. Congrats!

Anibal Invictus said...

Congratulations señor! I've had a lot of fun following your Dux Brit saga with Mike over the last year. Keep them coming!

legatus hedlius said...

Well done indeed!

Carl said...

Cracking achievement. Well done.