The dip is lightly brushed on and left to dry at least 24 hours. Once dry, I use the original basecoat colours to add highlights, except helmets which are layered as normal. I then brush on GW gloss varnish followed by either Humbrol matt clear if working indoors in winter or I will use Dullcote brush on (cos I have loads to use up) in summer when working in the fresh air.
As you can see, some models work better than others. The following are Foundry Normans "11th Century Welsh-i-fied" for Saga. They work really well with this technique!

The following are Musketeer Goths. These are superb and suit this method brilliantly, as do the new GB horses! Bill from Musketeer is my fave sculptor now...he's gonna do early Byzantine cavalry soon and I won't be able to resist!!!

Here's one of Soapy's superb mtd combrogi from GB. This one works really well in this style...and yes, that's a Foundry horse he's on...I like to mix n match a bit!!!

Let me know what you think. In ranked up units, the Musketeer models are brilliant done like this, some others less so. The method is about 33% of my normal painting time so that's 3 models finished in the time it'd normally take to do 1 and given the lack of painting time I get these days, that's a bonus!
I think they look very nice indeed Andy! I agree Bill is tops my list now as well for 28mm!
The technique seems to work very well, nice looking figures indeed. Going to be trying out this shortly myself, just waiting for the order to arrive.
Really nice work; inspiring as my local WAB crew are starting a Dark Ages campaign. Best, Dean
Nicely done that man :-) Yep I would agree base coat, dip and one highlight is great for getting those armies on the table.I use it a lot myself. its a good point of view when other players say 'Id love an historical army but they take too long to paint etc...'Thanks for posting.
Many thanks for taking the time to post up some many excellent pictures!
They'll prove a useful reference indeed. :o)
I think they look superb, though I agree with your point that some figures suit the dipped style better than others.
I'm currently in the process of dipping a small Saxon warband for Saga. Hope to get them done by the end of next week.
Thanks again.
I tend to skip the one highlight at the end, but then... that's why yours look ridiculously better than mine :D
nice technique
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