Sunday, 20 February 2022

Silmarillion Elves: Thingol of Doriath with his Banner Bearer and Bodyguards

I've managed to finish the first unit in my Dragon Rampant 'book accurate' Doriath army. Here is Thingol with his banner bearer and his bodyguards. They are a reduced model unit - on the table, each bodyguard is worth one strength point and the command base is worth three.

The guards are all Victrix Anglo-Danes with Republican Roman Montefortino helmet heads, the tops of which have been replaced by the 'headless' nasal helms from the Anglo-Dane box. Thingol is the Oathmark free metal hero that came with the first Oathmark Elf boxed set deals. He has a GW Galadhrim Court head and a plastic cloak from the bits box. The banner bearer is an Anglo-Dane with a GW Galadhrim hero head. The banner was hand drawn.

I'm pleased with these - the 'three layers on a black undercoat' approach was hard to do after nearly 10 years not doing it, but thanks to a brilliant new lamp I was able to do a decent enough job although extreme close-ups aren't the best idea!

I'll be back to painting Wars of the Roses for a week or two now, but I'll be painting Mablung of the Heavy Hand and his Thanes next from this army...

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