Monday, 14 February 2022

First Silmarillion Elf Model

Here is a test paint job for the forces of Doriath that I converted and prepared about two years ago originally for Dragon Rampant. Lost mojo and real life kinda got in the way, but I figured now was the time to have a go at splashing some colour on them...

I've tried to go for a 'book-accurate' look rather than the look from the Peter Jackson movies. Nothing wrong with the latter (I actually really like the look, but it's a million miles away from the Dark Ages feel that Tolkien intended.)
This is a Victrix Anglo-Dane Huscarl. The head is the bottom part of a Victrix Repubican Roman Montefortino helmet with the top being one of the 'headless' nasal helms from the Huscarl box set. The crest and the Elf's hair have been created with Green-stuff. The stars on the shield are WW2 US Army decals.
I chose to paint this model in layers over a black undercoat - first time in years I've tried that. To be fair, I'm nothing like the painter I was when I used to use this technique all the time, but it's worked out ok and I'll stick with it for this army.
This Elf is one of Thingol's bodyguards - the gold-embroidered grey tunic, blue-grey cloak and gold-decorated weapons and white-crested helmet indicate his status. Lesser warriors will sport no gold helmets or weapons and will have different coloured tunic trim.
I'm happy with the colour scheme. I've gone for greys and greyish blues and greens as the main colour theme as grey is mentioned a lot in the books and I guess would do for most Elf houses (as Doriath didn't really do a lot in battle in the Silmarillion). I dunno if stars are appropriate for the shields (I'm sure there are stars on Thingol's heraldic symbol so I guess it's ok -I'm not that much of a stickler for full 'accuracy' anyway).
I hope you like him and hopefully I'll keep up some progress - As you know, I'm painting these in between doing units for a Wars of the Roses army for a summer campaign at the club, so progress won't be speedy.

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