Saturday 8 February 2020

Beleg Strongbow Conversion

I've been a bit quiet lately but haven't been idle. I've been doing lots of glueing together of Victrix Anglo-Saxons to convert to Sindar and it's still going on. However, I thought I'd show you a couple of pictures of my conversion of Beleg Strongbow, chief of the Doriath March-Wardens as I finished making him today. 
He's made from a warrior from the Anglo-Saxon command frame with Oathmark bow arm and quiver and a particularly decorative Republican Roman helmet that I simply altered by adding a long horse-tail style plume. 
I've given him an Elven horn for a Dragon Rampant scenario I'm working on, of which more will be revealed soon(ish). 
The stroke of luck with this model was that this particular cloak comes with a separate fur collar which I decided I didn't want to use, but it left a gaping hole where the brooch would be. However, on the Oathmark sprue, there are little circular bits of waste sprue on the standard that need removing and they are exactly the right size to be the brooch on here! I love it when happy little accidents like that happen!!

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