Saturday 25 January 2020

More Work on the Sindar...

Bit more work on the Sindar and their captain. Added some long hair on both and smoothed out the bases on the axemen. 
I know it's a kinda 'Warhammer' or 'Movie' thing, but I do think long hair adds a more 'Elven' feel to these chaps... It also disguises the neck joins on some of them, which were a little clumsy looking. Gonna undercoat them tomorrow and start getting some paint on them. Still not sure on the colour scheme. I don't particularly want a typical Wood Elf green scheme but I want to avoid them looking too 'High Elf' either. I'm thinking a pale greyish blue cloak, with pale grey tunics (with contrasting cuff and hem trim) and leggings in greyish greens, various browns, etc...

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