Friday 13 December 2019

Silmarillion Action Shots...

I decided to get all my Middle Earth models out for a photoshoot - some action shots with all my available light sources and a bit of scenery. I'm pleased with how these turned out. The lighting gives you a better idea of the actual colours than my recent pictures of the Elves on a white background. 
The army of Angband is 70% bought off EBAY ready part-painted - I went for models that had been base coated neatly and ink-washed, perhaps with minimal dry brushing or highlights. All I've done is tidy up the highlights and repaint some of the cloth as most people seem to use a bright red that I really hate on Orcs in large numbers... And I based them of course. 

Glaurung, the troll, 12 Orcs, the Orc commander and the werewolf (weird Warhammer bits conversion) all painted from scratch by me. The rest courtesy of EBAY.

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