Thursday 12 December 2019

More Elves - First Unit of Archers

I'm cracking on at a fair old pace with the Elves. Finished the first unit of archers last night.
No conversions on these as there's nothing to be done and I couldn't be bothered trying to add bowstrings!

Two more units of these to paint. Boring old job but they come out ok when finished.

I'm pleased to say that I have met my Christmas deadline of 3 units plus a command base. I now have two more archer and one more spear unit, plus a hero, to paint before March when my Davale Miniatures Bloody Elves kickstarter will arrive to further swell the army. I also need some cavalry but not quite sure where I'm gonna source those yet as the kickstarter didn't make enough money to get cavalry and I don't much like the GW Rivendell ones. The Hobbit armoured cavalry are nice but bloody expensive... Still, they can wait.

I also have more evil models to paint, so will be tackling some of those shortly too. I hope to drag the whole painted collection out over the next day or so to take some 'action shots' for your delectation...

Anyway: Archer pics...

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