Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Men Who Would Be Kings at Hereward Wargame Show, 1.11.15

Peterborough Wargames Club are pleased to announce that we will be running a demo/participation game of the upcoming Osprey Publications Colonial Ruleset 'The Men Who Would be Kings', by Dan Mersey at the first ever Hereward Wargame Show at The Cresset in Peterborough on Sunday 1st November.

This game is fully endorsed by Osprey and as far as we know is the first public outing for the rules anywhere. We are also very much hoping that author Dan Mersey will join us for the day!

The game is set on the NW Frontier and pits and Anglo-Indian field force against a large Pathan force. It's a tricky scenario for both sides!

We will be able to accommodate up to 6 players on the day and people are welcome to pop in and out of the games as they want, so there's no commitment to playing the game all the way to conclusion if you don't want to.

We very much hope that some of the readers of this blog will be able to pop over and see us. Andy MacTaggart and I will be running the game and we can promise a good game! We ran our first play test tonight at my house and will be running another at the club on Monday. The first test game went really well, which is a good omen!

Here's a pic to whet the appetite... Apologies for poor lighting and for some unfinished models, but we are still finishing a few bits and pieces off!!


  1. Looks brilliant! Hope the show goes well.

  2. Sounds greate ! I hope ypou will have a really good game with lots of pictures to show afterwards:)

    Best regards Michael

  3. Super looking game!

    Great terrain cloths! ;-) I'll pop over and say hello at Peterborough.
