Monday 26 October 2015

Hereward Wargame Show, Sunday 1st November at The Cresset in Peterborough, UK

Just a final reminder that Hereward Wargame show is at the Cresset in Peterborough, UK on Sunday 1st November and that Andy MacTaggart and I will be putting on a demo-participation game of The Men Who Would Be Kings. We'll run at least two games on the day and can take 4 players each time for derring-do on the Northwest Frontier. We still hope that author Dan Mersey may be able to join us and we hope that Osprey will send us a few pics of the official cover. What you'll definitely see is over a hundred and twenty Pathan and about 60 Anglo-Indian models (including a mountain gun and Bengal Lancers...oh yes!!) and some cool looking scenery (including the lovely Pathan watchtower that James from Oshiro Model Terrain made for me) in a challenging and fun scenario loosely based on an incident from the relief of Chitral.

We [i]really[/i] hope to see some of you there! If you are a follower of this blog, do make yourself known to us if you pop over to play or to watch... :D


  1. Figures were great but I was particularly impressed by the Deep Cut Studio mats and the watchtower from Oshiro.
    So the watch tower is not the standard JY02 in the catalogue then I take it?

  2. Hi Mervyn
    No, the watchtower was made for me as a commission. I sent James a picture of a Pathan watchtower from one of my books and he then built me a unique tower based on the picture. The standard one in the catalogue is a Japanese tower...
