I have been trying to paint my El Cid army for about 4 years now... I start...I do a bit, then something else comes along. First, it was Legends of the Old West and various events where Caesarian Romans were required...then came Age of Arthur, which turned my world upside down and which I'm STILL painting loads of models for!!
So anyway, I got going again and have now finished two units of Caballeros Hidalgos and the characters. See pics below...

However, I just can't settle to it... I have a unit of jinetes, 2 units of Andalusian cavalry, 2 units of archers and two of spearmen still to do... I just can't get the motivation to crack on and do it exclusively. You see, there's Romano British foot commanipulares and Frank allies to do... (I've decided I am taking that army to Cold Steel - see post below. I'm using all my German tribes figures that lurk within my Welsh units as Franks, with, hopefully, a few new models thrown in if I can get them done in time) The commanipulares are almost done. Just armour, weapons and shields to do. Then I have to paint the Romano-British and Frankish banners - 4 in total - and the army is useable...well...I could use the same banners I use with my Welsh, but I want very 'Roman' looking ones, really, so I hope to get those done soon.
And then there's colonials... For years, I've wanted to do some 28mm NW Frontier multi-player stuff at the club. I have gazillions of Old Glory Pathans sitting in a box and the advent of Army Painter dip (and a fab article about using Legends of the Old West as a Colonial set in 'Battlegames magazine) has finally convinced me to do it! Pathans worse mostly off-white, so it's a doddle!! White undercoat, basecoat fleh and weapons, the occasional coloured turban or sash, plus a few blue tunics (some clans wore blue, apparently) and DIP, DIP, DIP!!!! Trouble is, I've got about 150 of them to do... Then there's the Brits... Castaway Arts in Australia were the source of my British and Sikh companies. I tell you...if you want nice Colonial figures and a splendid customer service, use these guys!! The sculpts are not 100% perfect (long arms on some models) but I defy you to find models with a better period 'feel'. They are absolutely lovely!! And Gerry, who sculpts and runs the show, did me a super deal!!! I spent $200 (£80) and he sent me the stuff post free from Oz!!! Not only that, but the communication was friendly and of the highest possible quality. Recommended!!! Anyway, these models are also getting the 'dip' treatment...
So there you have it. Romano-Brits, Colonial Brits and Pathans, El Cid... I am flitting like the butterfly of this post's title between the three projects which means that neither really gets the time it needs... Still, Cold Steel has focused me on ensuring the Romano-Brits get the lion's share of this month's time.
I hope to post pics of the commanipulares and milites before Christmas.
And lastly, on a completely unrelated note. Those of you who like rock music (esp of the 1980s US variety) may be interested in my MySpace site, where I have begun to post songs recorded by myself and a few of my mates. Go to www.myspace.com/andyhawes9 So far, there's one complete song up there, but we intend to complete another in the new year (only bass and vocals left to record) and there are loads more written and ready to go - time permitting!! If you like what you hear, leave a comment...
And that's another reason why the painting doesn't always get done!!!! :-)
See you soon...