Saturday, 29 January 2022

Handgunners for the club's Wars of the Roses campaign

 Well, Covid has kicked our arses here at Geetarhero Towers, with the boy being on day 6 and still testing positive and me being on day 3 and feeling like utter crap - proper 'man-flu' symptoms. 

Still, thanks to a new Netflix subscription, we are binge watching Cobra-Kai and I am still being quite productive on the modelling and painting front. I've completed 6 hand gunners for Sir Bernard De Liasmith's retinue (Bidowers under the Lion Rampant rules) which, when added to the foot Men-at-Arms on the previous post gives me 8 out of the 30 points I need for my battle retinue (I still haven't finally decided what the extra 10 points are going to be for the full 40pt retinue I have to submit...

I was gonna do these in my usual dip and highlight style, but my can of dip has gone off and truth to tell I didn't wanna waste two days waiting for dip to dry, so completed the painting of these 6 chaps in quick time given that I was triple highlighting on a white undercoat, using brown ink wash to conceal any errors in the deepest recesses. The painting is certainly neat enough at table-top distance. 

Once again, these are Perry plastics. 

I've built my billmen, cavalry and one unit of archers too, so I think I'm gonna build the second unit of bow then start painting the billmen in between the sneezing and coughing fits. Thank God for the vaccine - how sick might I have been if I'd not had that??!!

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