Monday 4 May 2020

More Mythic Greeks - Oracle and Bubo the Owl

I've just finished the Oracle model from Crocodile Games Wargods Of Olympus Kickstarter for my Mythical Greek warband for Dragon rampant. 
I love this model and I really enjoyed painting it! She will join Helen of Troy in my magic user unit along with 6 hoplites that have just been undercoated. One thing I've noticed with these 'supposed to be beautiful' female figures is that they don't photograph well with close-ups as my paint job makes them look anything but beautiful!! They look far better at normal gaming distance... Anyway, here are some pics of the oracle and a couple of her with Helen. 
Also, those of a certain age will recall the little mechanical owl from the original Clash of the Titans movie that I've added to the oracle's base and that also came with my Kickstarter...

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