Monday, 20 January 2020

Plastic Sindar Kitbashing

While I'm not abandoning my GW movie Elves yet (lots more to paint!) I have been doing a bit of historical kitbashing to give me some more 'book-like' Elves. This was prompted in part by my discovery of the artwork of Tom Loback; in particular his Battle of Brethil picture, which pits axe-armed Sindar and a bunch of men against an Orc legion. 
I thought I'd do some Doriath Sindar as everyone seems to have this Noldor fixation going... I know Thingol's lot didn't do a lot of fighting in the actual books, but someone oughta do something with him and his troops - he can get some action in in our wargaming world anyway!
I've put this guy together from a Victrix Anglo-Dane Huscarl (body and top of helmet), Republican Roman (head) and a cloak from (I think) a Fireforge knight set (I was given a bag of about 20 cloaks by a friend last night), plus an Oathmark feather plume. I'm REALLY pleased with this and will be adopting this approach with more Anglo-Dane Huscarl figures and with the Victrix Normans when they come out in the summer.I love the way the helmet has cheek pieces and a Dark Age look to it. I've attached the Loback pic as well just so you can see what I mean by the inspiration it gave me.

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