Thursday 9 January 2020

More for Morgoth!

The forges of Angband have been busy since Christmas in preparation for a Middle Earth gaming event in Nottingham on Saturday. I painted a second unit of pike-armed Orcs and two units of Orc archers plus an Orc hero. The pike-armed Orcs were tidied up having been bought from EBAY part-painted as per most of my Orc forces. One Uruk-hai scout archer in one of the units was the same. The Mordor Orc archer models and the hero were painted from scratch. I now have 8 combat Orc units - 2 with pike, 2 with spear and the rest with sword, 3 Orc archer units, a unit of trolls, 3 Orc heroes, a Werewolf hero and a firedrake. I have two units of wolf riders in the painting queue. Quite a decent force! Here are pics of the recent additions.

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