Sunday 22 December 2019

Angband Command Base

I managed to complete my Angband Command Base. The Lieutenant of Angband is a metal GW LoTR Morannon Orc commander with a shield from War-games Illustrated's free sprue of Warlord Roman Veteran Legionaries from a few months back and with a wire spear. I painted him from scratch. The GW Uruk-hai banner bearer came from EBAY part-painted. He'd been base-coated, ink-washed and the armour had been dry brushed. I just added some extra highlights and repainted the loin cloth. 
The top of the banner pole is, I think, from an old Gripping Beast Hun standard or maybe a Standard from their Saxon range... I've had it in the bits box for over a decade. 
The GW Uruk Hai and Morannon Orcs largely fit the description of Orcs from the Silmarillion - 'shod with iron, shielded with iron'. Also, we know from the Silmarillion that the Orcs were heavily armoured - I think it's Beleg who pleads with an Elf king (Thingol? Can't remember...) for a new sword because his can't get through Orc armour. To me that suggests armour heavier than simply mail, hence me being happy to use these GW figures. 
Anyway, here is the vignette...

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