Monday 11 November 2019

I'm back... Working on stuff... Properly working on stuff!! SHOCK, HORROR! :-)

Hello one and all...if anyone's still out there, that is!

Life's been shitty and I've not coped as well as I'd have liked. It still ain't great, but I'm coping better now. Gaming-wise, it's been a few years of virtually nothing...the odd stuttering attempt at starting something, that always ends up extinguished. The last two years I've hardly even gamed anything let alone painted anything.

But I'm back on it now! 24 models base coated, dipped and set up for highlighting in the past 2 weeks; 24 being base coated as we speak. To relieve the monotony of the base coating process, I painted a banner for the army. No more clues yet as to this project, other than this banner (and the post's labels)...

Yes... I'm being a tease!

Watch this space for more stuff coming shortly. I might highlight a unit up over this next couple of weeks...

It's good to be back!

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