Thursday 28 November 2019

Meanwhile back in Beleriand... Elf Spearmen

So I finished my first unit of Elf spearmen. They weren’t easy to work with. As per my recently finished swordsmen, I wanted to convert the original models. There were two reasons for this; the first one is that the GW/movie Elf spearmen carry a weapon more akin to a Japanese naginata than a typical spear. These look more like a ‘cut and thrust’ weapon that would be used two-handed rather than used with the shield that these Elves carry. Also, as I’d replaced the glaives with broadswords on my swordsmen, I wanted a look that tied in with them. 

The second reason is that these models are Finecast – a more badly named material I can’t possibly imagine! The spears that came with the set (I got them from EBAY) were all either bent or broken and it certainly wasn’t due to the seller packing them poorly. Apparently if they are bent, one can straighten them under hot water! Now given that these models cost £4 each if bought new, that’s a bit crap! Pay £4 for a model - oh and by the way you have to straighten its spear! Also, they are prone to miscast. One of mine has a miscast helmet. Not acceptable really… Maybe these were early ones, as when GW first produced Finecast, there were numerous issues with it. Anyway, luckily, the material is easy to cut so replacing the spears was relatively easy. There were also numerous bits of flash everywhere. I did manage to clean them up pretty well, but not perfectly.

Anyway, despite the issues with the material, they painted up well in the end. I’m really pleased with the way the colour scheme works on these. I like the Foundry Union Blue Light which I used for the background to the shield. It goes well with the overall scheme but being darker than the other blues just provides a nice contrast. I have one more unit of these to paint, half of which are the old metal ones which, while having fewer casting issues, were a lot harder to convert. However, next up will be the first of three units of archers. 

Friday 22 November 2019

First Elf Unit Finished.

I've managed to complete my first unit of Elves for my new Silmarillion project which will fit around Dragon Rampant and a home-grown rule set written by gaming buddy James Morris. I'm pleased with these. They have that '...shone like a river of steel in the sun' look (after the quote about the army of Gondolin arriving at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad battle in the Silmarillion.)

Spearmen and archers on the way...

Thursday 14 November 2019

Finished Elf Swordsman

In order to spur me on with the colossal task I've set myself with this Silmarillion Elf army, I have painted one figure to completion. This has given me a boost, as it looks pretty good actually. The pics aren't great as they are done on my phone late at night but they'll suffice until I get the full unit done.
I do like the colour scheme I've chosen.
Note also the replacement sword, repositioned left arm and the addition of an Unreleased Miniatures shield. I like these shields - similar to GW ones but just subtly different enough. The spearmen units will have the traditional GW shields.

Monday 11 November 2019

WIP Elves pic

Two posts in one day! Well actually, I'm mainly posting this in response to a query I had from a forum online about this project. As I don't use photo hosting I can point them here...

WIP Elves to show basic colour scheme (base coats only on these)

I'm back... Working on stuff... Properly working on stuff!! SHOCK, HORROR! :-)

Hello one and all...if anyone's still out there, that is!

Life's been shitty and I've not coped as well as I'd have liked. It still ain't great, but I'm coping better now. Gaming-wise, it's been a few years of virtually nothing...the odd stuttering attempt at starting something, that always ends up extinguished. The last two years I've hardly even gamed anything let alone painted anything.

But I'm back on it now! 24 models base coated, dipped and set up for highlighting in the past 2 weeks; 24 being base coated as we speak. To relieve the monotony of the base coating process, I painted a banner for the army. No more clues yet as to this project, other than this banner (and the post's labels)...

Yes... I'm being a tease!

Watch this space for more stuff coming shortly. I might highlight a unit up over this next couple of weeks...

It's good to be back!