Tuesday, 15 August 2017

More Oldhammer Elves

With the Hereford Wargame Show fast approaching (1st Sunday in September!), I've had to pull my finger out and get cracking on the Elven forces for the Dragon Rampant participation game that Andy Mac and I will be running. This is good, as deadlines often inspire me to both get on with stuff and to do stuff well!

Anyway, here are the latest models. I'd already painted the general and two cavalry and the eagles just needed a tidy up and a re-base so essentially, the past fortnight to three weeks has seen me paint two more knights, the wizard and the attack chariot. I also have 5 more knights on the painting table awaiting final highlights, but as I won't need them for the show, I haven't rushed on with those.  

The pics aren't great, as they were taken on my phone late at night. The last pic shows all 61pts worth together and was taken outside in the sunshine! I'll do some more when I get a spare few minutes using the digital camera as it takes better pics, but these will give you an idea of progress thus far...


  1. Simply gorgeous brushwork. The wood grain on the chariot is amazing!

  2. What a wonderful army! The chariot is an old Games Workshop model, I suppose?
