Friday, 23 December 2016

Season's Greetings!

Well, hello! Just a quick message to wish all of my readers, both regular and occasional, a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

By way of a  small 'gift', here is an update on progress with the Oldhammer/Dragon Rampant Wood Elves I mentioned in my last post.

Here are some armoured 'elite' foot, comprised of late 1980s Citadel Melniboneans. I love these models! The left-handed spearman is a late 1980s Elf champion and the chap on the round base is a conversion of the Citadel Elric of Melnibone 'Dyvim Tvar' (I think that's how you spell it!) model. I always thought it was a horrid model, with a long, pointy fingered left hand and a horridly sculpted head with some odd dragon helm thingy... So anyway, I repositioned the arm, replaced the head (with one from a  spare 1980s Elf cavalry man I got in a big box a few years ago off EBAY) and added a cloak, with greenstuff fur to disguise where that joined the body. I'm quite pleased with him - he looks suitably 'heroic' and can either function as a single-model unit of elite foot or can accompany the 5 Melniboneans to create a unit of elite foot. When playing WFB 4th edition, he'll be a champion in a unit of armoured spearmen. The banner was previously on some other models, but I felt these guys looked more 'elite' so swapped it over! Anyway, you want pictures!! Enjoy!!


  1. And a very merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Hi. Your elves look fantastic! Always enjoy reading your blog. Merry Christmas! Karl

  3. These are really great looking models. Very nicely painted to top it off. I love em.

  4. WooooooooW!!!! fantastic classic minis, and this painting. Masterpiece!

  5. Merry Christmas Andy! Looking forward to seeing more of love wonderful brushwork. These elves are just amazing.

  6. Beautiful painting on some beautiful miniatures. Very jealous! ;)

  7. Fabulous 'old skool' elves! Enjoy the festive season :o)
