Monday, 23 May 2016


Just dropped my box of Romano-British cavalry models onto the had no lid on it!!!

28 beautifully painted cavalry models in major disrepair... Spears and shields broken, paint chipped everywhere... Horses legs snapped off bases so may have to be chucked...

I am devastated...5 years of painting on and off, just shot to hell. Goodness knows when or indeed if I'll be able to get them repaired...

To quote Captain Darling from Blackadder...

"I put in note in my diary this morning Blackadder...It simply said 'Bugger'..."



  1. Limiting yourself to just saying "bugger" is very restrained. Hopefully you can come back to them in a week's time and find that the damage is not quite as bad as it seems now :(

  2. My Sympathies. I dropped my Painstakingly converted and painted Orc Warlord's chariot on the floor last fall while it was in the very last stage being painted. Catastrophic loss. Brought my nearly finished Old School Orc army project to a complete halt. The pieces have been sitting in a box for months. I haven't been able to bring myself to try to repair it yet. I feel your pain.

  3. Think I would have said more than Bugger

    My heart feels for you, I hope they can be repaired. Like the time I varnished sone freshly painted 28mm Romans - with white undercoat

  4. To quote another reluctant hero: "Feck! Arse! Drink!"
    Hope something can be salvaged.

  5. :(

    I'd be inclined to put them in a dark cupboard for a while and forget about them. When you are over the trauma have a fresh look at them and see what you can rescue and easily repair.

  6. I know how you feel, after 40+ years of hassle free gaming I dropped my Dux Britanniarum armies four feet onto a hard floor, and did so trying to stop someone elses boxes doing the same! I did not rest until the small hours of the morning putting them right.

    Onwards and upwards.

  7. Oh no! What a nightmare! Hope most of the figs are salvageable!

  8. Bigger indeed! Been there, done that got the dropped box of Armada galleons all now dismasted.

  9. Sorry to hear of your disaster but glad to read it's not quite as bad as it looked. Been there and it's a pain to do the repair work but it can be done


  10. It happens. After my armies were photographed for the watchmaker ancient Age of Arthur book I left the boxes in the garage. My wife then walked into them scattering figures everywhere. It took 2-3 years until I summoned the enthusiasm to sort them out. I'm more careful now....and still married 😁
