Wednesday, 1 May 2013

All Hail Oldhammer...

Back in the early 1990s, the 4th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle came had a boxed set of plastic Elves and Goblins and was the first time GW had done such an approach. I had already picked up some of the old 80s High Elves, but had never played... Soon, I had amassed a 2000pt army of the lovely new 90s Marauder and Citadel High Elf models and my journey back into Wargaming really began there. Stupidly, I got rid of all those early Elf models because, back then, I thought the (then) new ones were cooler...Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid...

Anyway, I haven't played WFB since version 6, cos I thought version 7 was complete bollox and I haven't even touched version 8, which I believe has been christened 'Monsterhammer' and is apparently tournament heaven...Hmmm...not my forte...
But I do REALLY miss playing with my old High Elves, some of which I tarted up to improve the paint jobs about 10 years ago for a club campaign, so it was with some interest that I picked up on the current trend for 'Oldhammer' gaming - guys playing really early versions of WFB, usually (but not exclusively) 3rd edition, which costs an arm and a leg to buy on EBAY and which is spoken of in hushed tones...and is apparently mega complex if you play EVERY advanced rule, but is allegedly VERY good...

So, I went to and downloaded it plus the army book....£6 for 24 hour access, job's a good 'un (better than paying 80 quid on EBAY at any rate, although it cost me 25 quid in ink to print the bugger out!!!!)

Wow! What a difference from what I played in versions 4-6!!! Interesting! It's a weighty 300 page tome, so I have only skimmed it, but I am very intrigued! There are some cool ideas...initiative determining combat strike order, +1 to hit if charging, push-backs, 'free hack' (free strikes when enemy rout) being just some things that made me go "ooohhh....interesting!"  That and loads of levels of heroes and wizards... We'll probably need to keep the more stoopidly dangerous spells out of the games at the scale we'll likely play, but even so... I wanna give it a go!

Andy MacTaggart from the club is also rather keen on playing it, as it's where he actually started gaming as a nipper, so we have kinda agreed that it'll be a long-term project. I have already fetched my High Elves out of the attic and dusted them down, picked the nicest painted ones and those that will fit the lists (some need a lot of patching up, others not so much) and I'm on my way!

Watch this space for developments. Once I have finished the current painting odds n sods, the 'patching up' will begin - they need re-basing for a start...

What with that and the LOTR stuff and playtests for a set called 'Ride to Ruin' (based on Dux Brit), I am looking forward to adding decent Fantasy gaming back into my gaming repertoire... I know that some may sneer, but it's where I started and I have really missed it!!

Next up, some more Dux Britanniarum, a new WAB 'Raiding Season' campaign that got off to what some would call my usual start (yup...shit dice, loads of dead Romano-Brits, you know the score...still great fun tho') and then, hopefully, some more actual painting!!!!!!


  1. I played Warhammer from 1st Edition when I was still at school. I thought 3rd edition was the dogs-doodahs but dropped it when 4th edition came out, but got back into it again for 5th Edition. It really started going downhill from 6th onwards.
    I have loads of old Jez Goodwin Wood Elves and Kev Adams Orcs and Goblins painted up in the back of the garage if you want an 'old skool game' one day.

  2. Oooohhhh Jess Goodwin Elves... and Kev Adams Orcs...Scrummy!! Wish I'd not got rid of mine...

    Once I've got my head around the basic game, we ought to organise something. Andy Mac would be up for it for certain.

  3. Having just got back into Oldhammer I cant recomend it enough I feel Oldhammer is more able a way of playing than what ed you use, lets remember back when 3rd ed was out comps were not that big if there were any around. Pop on over to the Oldhammer forum for some great painted figure poorn and some great charactors.
    Peace James

  4. Sumilar experiences here, got ito the game with first boxed set (2nd ed?) then got the pictured hardback book. Very cool. Collected a large dwarf army, but rarely played, as wasn't aware of any local players at the time...
    dropped it after while and sold of all stuff as most locals only played 40k...
    Haven't played WFB in many many years... though still have most of the dwarfs lurking under my gaming table somewhere...

  5. WFB 3rd Edition is where it all started for me! I'll be really interested to see and hear how you guys get on.
    Occasionally I take it off the shelf and flick through it, immersing myself in warm nostalgia. Along with Warhammer Armies too. Check out the pic of Dave Andrews! :o)

  6. Look forward to seeing more, my 1st taste of WHFB was 4th ed I think! Before that I used to play battle masters with the old man

  7. Pretty much where I'm headed too but only dabbled with 6th ed. Will probably give 3rd Ed a shot as it does seem the recommended Oldhammer way to go. I'll see if I can actually win a game again with my Empire. and dig out some of the older troops too.

  8. It's still my gaming bible and the thing that got me into gaming originally. I also think there's an oldhammer weekend being held later in the year at Foundry, which ain't too farfrom you. Alas i have other plans otherwise my dwarves (Prince Uthers Dragon Company) would be getting an outing. I've even still got the original flame cannon.
    Ah the nostalgia

  9. Ste Haran is right - we have scheduled an event at Foundry (in Nottingham) over the weekend of the 31st August / 1st September. Details can be found here:

    Bring Out Your Lead! 2013

    Welcome to oldhammer!


  10. Some blatant advertising of my blog-

    I'm currently working on a 80's citadel wood elf army and thought you might be interested!

  11. I've found your blog already Justin. Highly inspiring stuff!! I won't be able to afford an army of that magnitude, given the cost of most of these models on EBAY!!!! Still, I have begun to build some small units and have just bought a load of ex-Grenadier High Elves to bulk out the infantry units, so I'm on the way...

  12. I'm loving the Old Hammer stuff.

    I've just got back into Old Hammer/retro gaming of the 40k flavour.

    My Blog is here if you wanna check it out. It's not WFB but it still has that link to the glory days of gaming!!

  13. Hmmmmm if we're plugging blogs I'm foraying into 3rd Eds sister; Rogue trader over at my blog:
