Monday, 8 October 2012

The Annals of Linnius: Chapter 2: The Defence of the Chapel of St. Cadwyr

It is now late spring in the 472nd year after the birth of our Lord and most Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. I, Publicus Librarius, scribe to his most majestic King Mascuidius, do record the events of these days that witness the coming of the dread Saex.

"It is now two full cycles of the moon since the Tribune Lord Andrucius did, with God's help, successfully repulse the foul heathen raiders from their onslaught at Bleddig's farm. In this time, the tribune has brought the army back up to full strength and has recommenced patrols on the borders close to the Saex lands in the North and along the coast of the German Sea. Thes patrols have not been in vain, for it was through the vigilance of the watchers on the coast that the Tribune was made aware of the heathens' second assault into our fair kingdom.

The Tribune's force shadowed the enemy as they advanced. It soon became clear that the target of the heathens' attack was to be the fair chapel of St Cawyr, home to a small but most holy order of priests verily renowned for their skill in the keeping of bees and in the production of the wine that is used in holy worship.

Such was his horror at this most blasphemous act, that the Tribune's own men outstripped the advance of their fellows and arrived at the Holy Chapel as the Saex began their advance, However, restraining his most righteous anger, the Tribune held forth from attacking the enemy until the remainder of his men arrived.

The fight was fierce and most brutal. The Tribune's force fell upon the ememy with extreme vigour, cutting the enemy hearthguard down in droves for but trifling loss. The Tribune has since reported that many of the Saex seemed to lack stomach for the fight, often evading the British charge or disnegaging from the clash of brutal blades. This was clearly due to the fear that loosened their bowels as the Lord our God did lend fire and brimstone to the Britons' assault in reprimand for the heathens' assault on His most Holy of places. Tis said that the Tribune's sword did burn with righteous fire as he slew the heathen and forced their bravest and best men from the field.

Yet despite acts of great valour from the Tribune, his commanipulares and his milites, the Saex managed one act of triumph. The Decurio, Maximus Minimus was charged with taking hgis levy to the chapel and ensuring that the remaining Saex were not able to loot it of the Holy Treasures. However, in attempting to undertake this most noble and worthy of tasks, the diminutive noble was found wanting. The Saex raiders did burst from the chapel and, in a furious flurry of steel, broke the Decurio's shieldwall, routed the militia and, in so doing, did inflict a wound upon the young warrior. It is said that his Majesty, King Mascuidius is most displeased with this poor service from the Decurio, although it must be noted that a handful of militia dragged him to safety, where the surgeon has revealed that all the young man's wounds are to his front and that no shame should befall him or his family.

Also, it is told by the surviving militia that the severity and power of the Saex onslaught from the chapel was in no small measure due to the monster of a warrior who led the charge, brandishing a sword in one hand and a half-empty barrel of communion wine in the other, roaring his battle-song and laying about him right and left with utter abandon. Clearly, the copious amounts of wine that he had swilled had loosened from this fellow a demon from the depths of whatever foul dominion his heathen gods inhabit. Against this demon, the noble Decurio and his milita, were, sadly, powerless.

And so, despite suffering severe loss of life, the Saex withdrew to their  safe havens, carrying with them the Holy Knucklebone of St Cadwyr and numerous gold chalices and platters looted from the Holy Chapel. This loss is grevious, but we must yet take heart. The heathen have been most sorely hurt and it will be at least three cycles of the moon before they can trouble us again, by which time our own losses will have been made good. The surgerons also report that, God willing, the Decurio Maximus Minimus will make a full recovery from his injuries in short order.

We must also take heart from the mighty actions of the Lord Andrucius, who the people are already calling 'Saex-Bane'. His majesty the King, however, is less generous with his accolades, though it is said that he too is privately greatly pleased at the Tribune's martial prowess and his ability to send the Saex to meet their gods, yet he is also worried: the Tribune could all too soon become quite a hero to the people....a hero and, mayhap, a threat to the throne of Linnius..."

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant stuff Andy. Really enjoyed reading your battle report.


