Monday, 15 August 2011

Clickable pic of the WW1 Brits from the last post

Hopefully!!! :-)


  1. Yeah...thanks. I really like the effect I achieved.

  2. Wow.... small on that scale is really hard to get me the brush .... Congratulations ...!!!

  3. Enjoyed reading the post on the Welsh and Saxons. Very nice painting and basing work on the WWI British. Do you have plans to do some Middle East or other "forgotten theaters" for WWI gaming?

  4. I intend to use Triumph & Tragedy for small-scale actions set in Palestine/Mespotamia with some Back of Beyond crossover, e.g. the Dunsterforce-type stuff (Anglo-Indians against Turks who'll be supported by tribal irregulars)

    The Brits were done with a khaki/desert sand colour base spray (I think it was Plastikote 'Coffee Creme'), basecoat, Army Painter dip (brushed lightly on), then 1 highlight with the basecoat colour, followed by a thin coat of varnish to seal the highlights. Then I brushed on Testors Dullcote.
