Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Pics from Round 3

Not great quality and few close-ups (cos they all came out blurred...bah!!!!!), but a few shots from our round 3 games last night. You'll all be pleased to hear that the Welsh/Pict alliance managed to secure a mighty victory after a hard slog. I think, to be fair, we only managed it because the Romano-British player in the alliance facing us delayed his assault by one or two turns..had he come off the hill a turn or two earlier, the Pict Nobles and Welsh Teulu would not have been able to gang up on the Saxon Gedriht and it would have been a very different story! Anyway, full report (including poetry) to come later. For now, some pics...

First, two views down the tables. There were three multi-player games, each with 2 against 2. We played 'Dawn Attack', 'Land Grab' (my own scenario) and 'River Glein'..

Rob Farley's Saxons (Warlord plastic Celts with GB Saxon bucklers and some GB Saxon cavalry) on the Dawn Attack scenario (defending)...

Grahame Middleton's Scots/Irish attacking on the Dawn Attack scenario

Ady Roxburgh's Saxons on the Land Grab scenario...

Pete Irving's Romano-Brits, allied with Ady's Saxons on the Land Grab scenario...

Phil Freer's Picts and my Welsh, facing Ady and Pete on Land Grab...

Gavin Parnaby's Romano-Brits on the River Glein...
Gavin's allies (Richard Westley's Saxons) lurking in the village on the River Glein...
Saxons and Scots/Irish clash in the Dawn Attack...
Hope that gives a feel for what was going on...

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