Sunday, 13 July 2008

Yup...Still alive...still here...still painting.....

Cor, doesn't time fly when you are up to eyes with work, pregnant wife, nursery decorating, work, organising stuff for the wargames club, work, visiting family, work, more work, going to a couple of concerts, work, giving a mate guitar lessons, recording some songs with your mates on your fabulous new home recording studio, work..oh...and a bit of painting...oh and did I mention work???

Anyway, yes, I am still painting, much, I'm sure, to Tony's delight (you remember, that patient man who I promised to paint some saxons for?) Anyway, the second unit of Saxon Gedriht is well under way, although I can't seem to get in a good stint at them.

When I paint, I like to have a period of a month where I can do an hour a day, pretty much every day. That's when I build up a head of steam and actually crank through stuff at a decent rate. Sadly, I haven't really managed to do that since about February, so my many projects have all suffered horribly.

Anyway, the one thing I did manage to complete last week was this...did it in two evenings one weekend...mega quick time for me!

It's a 'Sacred Shrine' vignette for Gripping Beast's Hot Lead event next weekend. Basically, it's one of Martin Gibbins' cunning little WAB scenarios where a 1000pt army gets to try and take on 1500pts worth in a totally unfair sounds awful if you are one of the '2000pts, pitched battle tourney' types, but I love it! Really makes you think.... Anyway, for this scenario, 'Da Beast' are providing shrines, but have given the option for players to model their own themed shrine to take along. Apparently there's a 'best shrine' competition too!!

As I'm taking my now almost customary Age of Arthur Northern Welsh (Kingdom of Rheged) army, I thought that I'd do some sort of 'sword in the stone' vignette set on a barren, heather strewn rocky outcrop somehere near Hadrian's wall', and here's the result!

Rocks courtesy of my neighbour's garden, heavily drybrushed with Foundry Granite. Sword by 'Da Beast' simply stuck into a hole I drilled into the rock....Merlin, courtesy of West Wind; heather courtesy of the big pack of clump foliage by I can't-remember-who that's in my 'stuff' box, with heather flowers dotted on with Foundry Winestain red light...


Saxons coming early August once I've taken a day or two off work to complete the little blighters!!!!


  1. Wow! That looks truly fantastic indeed. Well done GHA.
    By the way ... how did you achieve that lovely warm wood finish on his staff?
    PS - Now I'm back in the UK I finally got around to seeing "The Last Legion" ... your review was spot on. Cheers.

  2. Thanks Matt!

    The wood on the staff was done with Foundry spearshaft brown, basecoat and highlight only...

    Last Legion...yeah, good fun movie. Picked it up on DVD for a fiver last week...Bargain!

  3. What ho gee-tar Andy!

    Top work old boy, hope it does well for you at HL. If in doubt just sabotage the other entries!!


  4. Smashing to see you producing such great work again.

    Best wishes to you and the Mrs on your upcoming new miniature


  5. Thanks chaps. @Dave: I do fear that I may have sabotaged my own chances by including a West Wind mini and not a GB one....

    @Steve: many thanks...all looking good on the latest scan for the 'upcoming miniature' and be assured I will post pics of the finished product!!!!

  6. I was about to say that is a west wind mini... I really like the little details christian grafitti and the fact that "excalibur" is a spatha! The clothing color for merlin was handsome!

