Friday, 7 March 2008

Sniffer Dogs and search parties....

...are not required! Though I can see why Dave thought it might be so!

Sorry for lack of posts lately. This has been largely due to life handing me a few months where painting has simply not been done at all.

First there is work! As some of you know, I work for a Local Authority Education Team, supporting Primary schools in difficulty. It's always a job that requires many hours per week working at home, just like teaching...Well, this term has seen the workload explode out of all proportion. Which has meant I've lacked time, energy and motivation to paint. Any spare time I have had has been spent making loud noises on my guitar, as that's very therapeutic when one is stressed!!
Then there's the wargames club. Our venue (pub back room) became untenable due to the Council's decision to bulldoze said pub...VERY soon! at the same time, I was elected club secretary, just as we had to move to our new venue (a spanking room at Peterborough Museum - absolutely top sure that Lord S would approve, as it is in a class above most other wargames club venues, dontcha know!!) This has taken several hours of admin time to sort out...leaving less time for painting!!!!

Then, and this is the good bit, there's the MARVELLOUS news that Mrs Hawes and I are expecting a wee baby Hawesling which is due in September this year. HUZZAH!!!! This has meant a vast re-organisation of the spare rooms upstairs to accomdate Junior's nursery and has prompted the purchasing and building of a vast IKEA storage system in which to gather and store all my wargaming paraphernalia...father-in-law and I are completing the construction this very weekend....

So, that's why no painting updates!!!!

It has meant that I now will not get the El Cid done for Warhammer World in May, which is a bummer. However, that project will simply go back on the backburner while I consolidate my ever growing Arturian collection with more welsh and a mass of saxons (including a bunch more for my very patient commission customer, Tony, who is awaiting the second Gedriht unit for his Sea raider army.) as thereis no timesacle for them and as it's virtually all foot I have to paint, it'll be speedier than the El Cid. Also, I can paint basic Arthurian foot in my sleep, so it's easy....

Anyhoo, as I am reorganising everything, I may drag out the camera and snap some of the stuff you haven't seen... maybe the Caesarian Romans which (all 3000pts worth!) are going to the club for a mega bash on Monday evening against a Pontic type affair done using the Armies of Antiquity Alexander list. So I may snap the best units for you if I get a mo in between IKEA building this weekend...



  1. Congratulations on the wonderful news !! May your child come strong, happy and healthy.

  2. what ho, congrats of the son & heir thing. Happened to me a couple of times after H took advantage following a liquid lunch.

    You have to be so careful with these fillies, what?

    H says it might not be a boy, it could be the other sort. Says you can't choose what you get although I know Madonna does.

    very odd


  3. Congrats and well done old bean! Best wishes to you all.



  4. Welcome back to the land of the living/undead (delete depending on you opinion of wargamers).

    Muchos congrats on the baby news, hope Mrs H isn't feeling too poorly or owt. We have two girls; I still get some painting done, but I'd plan to finish your El Cid sometime around 2012 if I were you.

    I did get a whole 40K IG army painted up when Ellie was first born BTW, mostly at night in between feeds.

    Hope to see you at Salute if you get your pass stamped.

    IKEA are great for storage aren't they? Although I always end up spending twice the budget.

    Steve :-)
