Friday, 7 December 2007

The Great Plastic Figure Debate...

Just my 10p worth since the announcement that the Perry twins are gonna do 28mm plastic historicals....

Bloody great idea! It's always good to promote low cost, high quality and the Perry models will fit that perfectly! I guess it depends on what they actually produce range-wise, but in general, it can only be a good thing in that it may facilitate a few more folk into buying armies that they previously couldn't afford....

I actually don't think that many will suffer for it...there will always be metal ranges that folk want but that the Perry boys won't do in plastic. However, what it may do is hurt the metal manufacturers who produce lower cost but not such good quality metals for the ACW and any other ranges the Perries make... It may also make a few manufacturers think about the price they charge for their metal figs (Foundry, are you listening?) although I appreciate that the cost of metal does keep rising...and I don't mind paying decent money for quality stuff, to be honest.

Anyway, time will tell. I'm just dreading the day that the Perry Crusaders and Sudan models come out in plastic...cos the unpainted figure mountain may rise dramatically chez moi... :-) :-)


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! I'm looking forward to the Perry plastics.

    Between the price of metal rising and the dollar loosing against the pound, I simply cannot afford Foundry miniatures any more.

  2. Fear not, the plastic albeit fantastic, will only work in certain periods....erm like ACW.

    Cost of the steel moulds mean it'll be fairly limited.
