Tuesday, 9 October 2007


Question 1. How are the Saxons and Teulu coming on? Well, you'll be delighted to hear that the answer is 'slowly, but very nicely, thank you!' Tunic patterning is all done and looking suitably posh and noble and we are now painting lots of belts, shoes and general leatherwork, after which it'll be the wooden back of all the shields followed by the cloaks. The wife is away all day Saturday, so, aside from re-stringing the old geetar ready for next week's warm-up gig in preparation for the Thin Lizzy tribute thingy, it's paint slapping all the way!!!! Not long now, Tony, if you are reading this!!!!

Question 2. What will I be painting after the Saxons and Teulu are done? Hmmmm....Dunno...Possibly slapping a paint job on some of my WFB Dwarfs, but then again, the boxload of French-Indian war skirmish models (Rangers, Mohegan allies, civilians and nasty Frenchie allied Injuns) are really tempting me... Trouble is, I have a few old colonial movies to watch on DVD and that'll make me wanna buy NW Frontier skirmish models (Some lovely new stuff by Castaway Arts in Australia...1880's British, Sepoy and Pathans...REALLY nice!! Tempting...Must resist...) Also have the latest version of '4 Feathers' picked up for a bargain £5 (I heard it wasn't great, but for £5...) so watching that will make me want to buy Perry Sudan stuff...NOOOO!!! Must resist!!!!

Then of course, there's Soapy's and Bill's Saxons which I want as allies and enemies for my Brits... Oh dear, so much to buy and so little time available to paint it all....

Question 3. Will Darrell post any more pics of painted Welshies on his 'Just Add Water...' blog this side of 2009? :-) Sorry Darrell...couldn't resist...although you are getting very close to your deadline and are probably too busy painting to take photos... How many models do you actually need to get finished now?

Question 4. Why am I waffling about on here and not slapping more paint on those Saxons and Teulu? Bloody good question for which I have no answer....

See ya....


  1. OMG 4Feathers, the one with Heath Todger? Do yourself a favour & ONLY watch the battle scene. I paid about £1.50 for my copy off E-bay & felt robbed. They screwed up a great story something rotten, but was anything done, was anyone imprisoned for this crime against humanity? NO!


    Shocked of Nottingham

  2. That bad, eh? Bollox... Oh well...live & learn....

  3. I have the 1939 version which is the only one anyone should watch.

  4. I'm trying to do 10 a day!! Not an easy task even though they're not up to the standard that I painted for the book :o(

    I'll get there if it kills me.....



  5. Well yes...the 1939 one is a belter it has to be said! I only bought the new one cos I was buying a few others and it kinda 'snuck in'. I feel like I've 'ad me wrists slapped now!! :-) On the plus side, I have 'NW Frontier' AND 'Gunga Din' as well...Saturday evening's viewing, methinks!! Now if I could just find 'The Drum' on DVD....

    To Darrell: Keep it going, matey...You'll get there!!

  6. I little known fact about the 1939 version is that there were tribesmen hired as extras who actually fought at Omnderman against the British!

  7. Really? Crikey...that'd mean they were a bit young at Omdurman then!!!

    Anyway, Heath Ledger version is pretty well pants, but not as utterly pants as I feared. Decent battle scene, tis true.

    I may have to hunt down the 1939 version on DVD to reclaim my faith in movie-making...
