Sunday, 27 May 2007

1500pts British Kingdoms Army

As promised, here they are: 1500pts of Age of Arthur British Kingdoms. All shields and standards handpainted...fool that I am!!!!

The Whole army. Three views.... Bit of work with Adobe Photoshop on the first one to get some sky in there...

First, the Rex (obviously Latin for 'king,' Rex is a title that any very powerful British Warlord could give himself if he felt like it and had the force to back up that claim...) with his Teulu (pronounced 'Taily' - these are his bodyguard, comitatus, etc.) I have fielded them as heavy cavalry because I can and because somehow, an Arthurian army without them just feels plain wrong, even though there is diddly-squat evidence that 'Arthur' (or any of his more 'historical' contemporaries) ever really fought with such cavalry..let's face it, the Teulu could fight on horse or foot as they needed to. In WAB, you can't be dismounting and remounting warriors so I've bitten the bullet and gone with cavalry...

The Rex is accompanied by his battle-standard bearer, an 'Uchelwyr' or minor nobleman, carrying the dragon banner.

Next, the spearmen or 'Combrogi'. The chap in the green cloak in the first pic is a 'Tiern' (high ranking nobleman.) He's there to boost the fighting power of this unit and he certainly did that in the game on Tuesday!!

These are a handful of pagenses (skirmishers) with javelins...

The Cavalry. These are mounted Combrogi, light cavalry with throwing spears, shields and javelins. I like these guys...very handy!!!

Lastly, a bard. He doesn't fit in points-wise, but he will be part of my 700pt character retinue for campaigns, so I've stuck him in these pics.

I hope you like them! I'm very pleased with the overall effect. They seem to 'hang together' pretty well, largely due to the unified unit standards (themes and colours) and the choice of red, black and white as shield colours. I'm looking forward to playing a few more games with them. So far, they've played two: One close- run victory and one bloody stand-off...

Next in line for the paintbrush, three javelin-armed mounted combrogi and four javelin-armed Teulu models for my late 6th/7th century Northern British variant...


  1. Very impressive army! Gripping Beast figures always look great when painted - and your painting is amazing! Keep up the good work and blog often!!

  2. Stunning work Andy. A true credit of an Army. The banners are very nice! :o)

  3. Lovely work Andy. you must be a proud man :o)



  4. It's all so pretty when you have it out as a full army (well, they are darn nice individually as well). It's such a nice feeling to have a completed (although an army is never actually complete) force you know you can play fully painted.

    Looking forward to more, and sorely tempted to stop painting ancients and move to dark ages.

