Tuesday 17 October 2023

Sgt Ezekiel Hays, Texas Rangers 1858

 Here's the next Texas Ranger. Sergeant Ezekiel hays. Lovely Foundry model. Very evocative of the period! 

Saturday 14 October 2023

Captain Josiah C Ford, Texas Rangers

 The second Ranger for my What a Cowboy Texas Ranger posse, circa 1858. Painted this guy with an ex-army background and deliberately set out to make the colours richer and more vibrant to make him stand out as posse leader. Really pleased with the effect! 

Thursday 12 October 2023

Texas Rangers for What A Cowboy

First model complete for my 1858 Texas Ranger patrol for What A Cowboy. Foundry model painted in my usual 'dip and highlight' style. He was fun to paint! 

More to come soon!