I am not a member of TMP but I occasionally drop by and peruse. Today I was perusing the Wild West board there and noticed with interest that my Airfix 54mm 7th Cavalry posted here earlier in the year had appeared on TMP, posted by someone called Tango01. To be fair, he did post a link to my blog after the pictures but nothing else to actually indicate that they are mine. He even responded to the nice comments they received with 'Glad you like them!' A little naughty really...
I believe I'm not the first person he's done this to...
Oh well, I suppose that's the internet for you...
However, Tango01, if you're reading this (and clearly you must visit occasionally), do be a good fellow and write something like 'Found these pretty pics on Andy's blog...' before you post any more of my pics, there's a good chap!!!
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Friday, 17 November 2017
Age of Tyrants: a WAB1.5 Campaign Day using Age of Arthur in Peterborough
So, the day finally dawned and after all the preparatory
work, all was ready for the first WAB1.5 day in Peterborough since…well, since
the last one aeons ago!
In true WAB day fashion, I’d decided that things would be
anything but ‘ordinary’ for the day. I’d decided on two factions simply because
it’s easier should you get last-minute drop-outs, although as it turned out, I
had 16 players which was bang on for 4 factions. Oh well…
I decided on a typical ‘Ambrosius vs Vortigern’ classic
mash-up, and this was made easier by the spread of armies as we had enough Romano-British
to divide between the two and we then had enough Saxons and Irish to complete
Vortigern’s faction and enough British and Welsh to complete the faction of Ambrosius.
You’d have thought we’d planned it!
I also designed 9 ‘Treasures of Britain’ artefacts which
would be randomly allocated to tables. I did this so that even I would have no
idea who had claimed what until the great ‘end of round reveal’. Each item
allowed the player a small bonus in their next game. We like to keep it fresh!
We also had a range of scenarios; some pitched battles ‘with a twist’ (just to
keep players thinking) and others that were very defined with clear objectives.
As it turned out, I think we got this right, as people seemed to enjoy them.
Some were tweaked from the Age of Arthur book
and others were re-purposed from previous events in Peterborough.
On the day, Tom Webster-Deakin took the role of Ambrosius and
Kim Daniels took on the role of Vortigern (after a full and fair election, in
which neither were involved, involving a hat and small pieces of paper!) They
were to discuss the scenarios with their faction members and to work together
to allocate armies best suited to scenarios but trying to avoid anyone doing
the same game twice. This didn’t quite work and there was a bit of ‘scenario
swapping’ involved once players got to tables, but we’re all friends here so it
was all fine in the end!
I was a member of Ambrosius’ faction with my British
Kingdoms army. I had gone for a bit of ‘classic Arthur’ with a kick-ass unit of
mounted Teulu, character advantaged up with finest armour, finest horses and
mounted raider courtesy of the Rex (general) and Tiern (ASB) combo. They were
supported by 2 Uchelwyrs, one leading a unit of 31 combrogi on foot and the other
a unit of 23. I also had 10 mtd combrogi and 4 units of skirmishers. This was a
bit of an experiment as I normally play Romano-British. I suspected it would either
go very well or very badly. In the event, I was proven wrong…
So to game 1. ‘Ransom’. This was basically a ‘pitched battle
with a twist’ nicked from the El Cid book! The aim was to destroy the enemy
army while capturing their heroes for ransom. I was up against Steve with a
mighty Irish horde, supported by Welsh allies (boo…hiss…traitors!) This was an excellent game! Steve gifted me
his left flank by keeping his cavalry formed and allowing my Teulu to charge
and destroy them, with the Irish hero being killed by Arthur. On my left, the
dogs saw off my skirmishers, but a failed warband test drew the traitor Welsh
into some woods and away from my flanks. In my centre, my combrogi drove off
one Ceithern unit, capturing the Irish hero in a challenge (yes, my Uchelwyr
won a challenge against an Irish hero!) The Irish Fianna demolished my large
combrogi unit killing the hapless Uchelwyr in the challenge – no ransom there
then! This caused my other combrogi to panic! Then the Irish slingers using
double shot wiped out my mtd combrogi. However, by now, the Teulu were set up
to sweep down the Irish line. They then proceeded to destroy unit after unit
with amazingly accurate combat dice, twice causing the general’s Fianna to flee
and rally. By game end, my Teulu had performed gloriously enough to allow me a good
close-run victory by 300pts.
My Combrogi take on the Cetihern... |
My combrogi taking on Fianna to their front and being flanked by Ceithern. This didn't go well. but what you can't see is my Teulu just out of shot ready to avenge the slaughter! |
In game 2 I was up against fellow club-mate Dan who was
using my Romano-British models, so the whole table was populated by my models!
This was a scenario involving a dawn attack breakout from a British kingdom
city to recapture a nobleman held in a tent in the enemy camp. The scenario
rules for the dawn attack were to be my undoing, as the darkness kept almost
all my troops from moving (terrible leadership dice). This set me on the back
foot and Dan played it very well, denying me the hostage, slaughtering my
infantry and keeping my Teulu pinned out of the game. In hindsight, I should
have been more aggressive with the cavalry, using my Teulu’s mounted raider
ability, but Dan’s use of shieldwall and clever cavalry tactics meant I lost out
by under 200pts, so a close defeat.
Just before it all went wrong against Dan in game 2... |
In game 3 I was up against Kim (Vortigern himself) in a
slightly repackaged version of Cat Coit Celidon from the Arthur book. We’d
tweaked victory conditions to allow for victory points rather than just getting
troops off. This meant that Kim simply ignored getting troops off and tried to
beat my army by forcing me to attack his shieldwall. It nearly worked, as I
forgot the easy to forget rule that allows cavalry who lose a combat but fail
their break test to fall back in good order. My Teulu ended up charging a pedyt
shieldwall on the enemy left flank but poor combat dice over several rounds (plus
uncommonly good ones from Kim) meant that all bar the heroes were dead by the
time the pedyt finally broke in the last turn. I did break a milites shieldwall
owing to them only fighting in 2 ranks and having toughness 2 due to fatigue,
but Vortigern’s leadership was strong. In retrospect, the scenario victory
conditions were wrong as it was too easy to ignore the main aim. However, Kim
played it very well. He forted up in a strong position and made me come to get
him. I tried, but couldn’t break him. In reality, this would have been an
inconclusive battle leading to the destruction of the Romano-Britons as they
tried to march out of trouble in the winter snows, but in campaign day terms, it
was an enjoyable bloody stand-off.
The Set-Up in game 3... |
So, 1 win, one lose and 1 draw. That’ll do!!! All 3 games
were challenging and fun. My opponents were true gentlemen and I had a blast.
In the event, the rest of the Ambrosian faction all did way better than me,
destroying Vortigern’s hold on Britannia. My only regret is that I got so few
photos, as I was so busy playing (with enjoying the games really...simply forgot to get the phone out!), dealing with queries and sorting results. Here are a few snaps of other folk playing their games...
James vs Mike (club chairman) battling over the treasure hoard... |
Andy from the club with his Saxons in the 'Ransom' scenario...no idea who or what he's playing against! |
'Brrr...it's a bit nippy out!' The Calendonian Forest isn't a good place to holiday for Christmas... |
The Battle of Deva Victrix with praying monks bottom left corner near the light cavalry... |
Welsh Teulu looking hard on their horses in the 'Old Roman Waystation' scenario... |
James P taking on Dan from the club trying to capture 'The Old Roman Waystation'... |
Andy's British Kingdoms taking on Mike's Saxons in the Cattle Raid... |
Steve's Irish take on Dave's self-sculpted Welsh at 'Fort Guinnnion'... |
Tony's Saxons takes on Francis' Welsh on the 'Ransom' scenario... |
Inter-club rivalry as Grahame's Northern Welsh take on Carl's Saxons in a scrap over some hidden treasure... |
Dan's Irish vs Mr Age of Arthur, James Morris on the 'Rescue' scenario... |
Warlord most in need of a new tactical manual... |
All in all, a fabulous day of gaming. It was further enhanced
by Footsore Miniatures who sponsored the event for us by providing free models
for all attendees and some fabulous prizes too! Not only do they do some of the
best miniatures for the period but they are lovely people too. I urge you to
spend much money buying their stuff!!!
You can also read about the shenanigans at Tom's blog: http://tomstoysoldiers.blogspot.co.uk
And maybe also at Steve's: https://stevossoldiers.wordpress.com
And finally....
....THERE WAS CAKE!!! A mighty 'dark ages chocolate cake' by the talented Mrs Whitaker. Tell me this isn't the coolest cake you've ever seen, I dare ya!!!!
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Andy Does Game of Thrones
It had to happen eventually. Despite only having read 1.75 of the books and seen only series one of the TV show, I'm doing Game of Thrones! I blame Rob at our club, as he's done a Lion/Dragon Rampant variant called Direwolf Rampant and is running a campaign. Needless to say, I was in!!
So, which faction? Well, I was gonna go Stannis Baratheon because the gold background and red flaming heart/black stag motif is immensely cool. However, I didn't fancy painting that onto loads of shields and horse furniture, so went for The Knights of the Vale instead, as I knew I could use some decals from Veni Vidi Vici to do that.
Now, which models? Having been amazed, inspired and terrified by some of the excellent mash-ups of Perry, Fireforge and Gripping Beast plastics on Lead Adventure, I decided to do something different. I always liked the look of the knights inn the 80s movie 'Excalibur' so that was where I was going. I bought a load of 5th Edition WFB Bretonnians off Rob, but they looked too 'French 100 years war' so I kept the horses and scoured EBAY. Luckily, I found a chap selling some Empire plastic knights that he had customised with Chaos helmet heads (minus all the horns, etc) and they looked fab, were cheap and could easily be repainted. Kerching! Purchased.
So, with the addition of High Elf helmet plumes and Gripping beast shields, plus hand-painted paper banner and lance pennons, here are the first of those Empire/Chaos riders on the Bretonnian steeds. This is the leader unit for a small force taken from the garrison of the Gates of the Moon, which is held by the Royce family. So these knights have Ser Nestor Royce's gold and purple colours mixed in with the blue and white of House Arryn of the Vale. I'm really pleased with these as they contain two of my least favourite things to paint: Tons of flat cloth and plate armour! Luckily, my usual 'base coat, dip, Dullcote, multiple highlights' approach worked like a charm!!
More knights to come plus some old GW models for the infantry...
So, which faction? Well, I was gonna go Stannis Baratheon because the gold background and red flaming heart/black stag motif is immensely cool. However, I didn't fancy painting that onto loads of shields and horse furniture, so went for The Knights of the Vale instead, as I knew I could use some decals from Veni Vidi Vici to do that.
Now, which models? Having been amazed, inspired and terrified by some of the excellent mash-ups of Perry, Fireforge and Gripping Beast plastics on Lead Adventure, I decided to do something different. I always liked the look of the knights inn the 80s movie 'Excalibur' so that was where I was going. I bought a load of 5th Edition WFB Bretonnians off Rob, but they looked too 'French 100 years war' so I kept the horses and scoured EBAY. Luckily, I found a chap selling some Empire plastic knights that he had customised with Chaos helmet heads (minus all the horns, etc) and they looked fab, were cheap and could easily be repainted. Kerching! Purchased.
So, with the addition of High Elf helmet plumes and Gripping beast shields, plus hand-painted paper banner and lance pennons, here are the first of those Empire/Chaos riders on the Bretonnian steeds. This is the leader unit for a small force taken from the garrison of the Gates of the Moon, which is held by the Royce family. So these knights have Ser Nestor Royce's gold and purple colours mixed in with the blue and white of House Arryn of the Vale. I'm really pleased with these as they contain two of my least favourite things to paint: Tons of flat cloth and plate armour! Luckily, my usual 'base coat, dip, Dullcote, multiple highlights' approach worked like a charm!!
More knights to come plus some old GW models for the infantry...
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
WAB 1.5 Age of Arthur gaming day, Sunday 12.11.17 at Peterborough (UK) Wargames Club
Just advertising the fact that Peterborough Wargames Club is running an Age of Arthur campaign day using WAB 1.5 on Sunday 12th November. The day will pit factions against each other to control the Isle of Britannia over 3 scenario-based games. Players will require a 1500pt 28mm army using the WAB Age of Arthur supplement.
We already have 16 players signed up to this event and do have room for a few more, so if you fancy a day of old-school Dark Ages gaming using one of the best WAB supplements, please sign up here:
The event costs £10 and is situated at the St John's Ambulance HQ slap bang in the city centre, with its own dedicated free parking.
Footsore Miniatures are sponsoring the event. All players who sign up via our web link will be entitled to a code offering a 10% discount on a Footsore miniatures order (model figs only, not shield transfers, etc) until the day of the event. Footsore will also be providing some prizes on the day itself.
Reply here or contact me if you need more info.
We already have 16 players signed up to this event and do have room for a few more, so if you fancy a day of old-school Dark Ages gaming using one of the best WAB supplements, please sign up here:
The event costs £10 and is situated at the St John's Ambulance HQ slap bang in the city centre, with its own dedicated free parking.
Footsore Miniatures are sponsoring the event. All players who sign up via our web link will be entitled to a code offering a 10% discount on a Footsore miniatures order (model figs only, not shield transfers, etc) until the day of the event. Footsore will also be providing some prizes on the day itself.
Reply here or contact me if you need more info.
Sunday, 3 September 2017
A Dark Shadow Gathers - Hereward Wargame Show
Andy Mac and I took our Dragon Rampant participation game to the Hereward wargame show today. We played it through twice, with the good (Elves of the Woodland Realm) and evil (Ratkin and the Chaotic Powers) sides winning one apiece. Both games played very differently, which is always a positive thing, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I was too busy umpiring to take many pics, but here are a few. Huge thanks to Andy Mac for taking the lead on organising the scenario and for doing lots of work on the scenery.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Dragon Rampant Show Playtest with the Elves
Played a game of Dragon Rampant on Monday. Andy Mac and I tried out our planned scenario for the Hereward Wargame Show on 3rd Sept. We have 4 war bands of roughly 30pts each. Two Elves, one Ratkin/Skaven and one Chaos. They are converging on a woodsman's hut where said woodsman has been rumoured to possess a magical ring of some power. The winner is the player who captures the ring.
To keep things interesting, we added some 'random events' in the form of small jewels which, when contacted, trigger the arrival of 'something'... The 'something' could be a helpful thing or a hindrance...you don't know until it activates.
All in all, it worked well. We just need to deploy a bit further onto the table so the bloodshed starts more quickly!! We are also pleased to note that the whole thing has a suitably 'retro' look - quite like early 90s Warhammer, a fact helped by the 80s and 90s models and the lovely old GW cardboard Elf palace from the early 90s...
Come and see us in action on 3rd Sept at the show in Peterborough - join a war band, throw some dice and try to capture that magical ring!!
The first few pics are the last of the bunch I took the other day - for some reason they didn't airdrop to my Mac properly before...
To keep things interesting, we added some 'random events' in the form of small jewels which, when contacted, trigger the arrival of 'something'... The 'something' could be a helpful thing or a hindrance...you don't know until it activates.
All in all, it worked well. We just need to deploy a bit further onto the table so the bloodshed starts more quickly!! We are also pleased to note that the whole thing has a suitably 'retro' look - quite like early 90s Warhammer, a fact helped by the 80s and 90s models and the lovely old GW cardboard Elf palace from the early 90s...
Come and see us in action on 3rd Sept at the show in Peterborough - join a war band, throw some dice and try to capture that magical ring!!
The first few pics are the last of the bunch I took the other day - for some reason they didn't airdrop to my Mac properly before...
The whole 61pts together... |
Treeman vs Ratkin... |
...while the Elven panzer division advances to the woodsman's hut. |
Oh dear...that wasn't meant to happen!!! |
Closing on the woodsman...see also the Ranger who has 'appeared' top left to help the Elves... |
Add caption |
The second Elf force prepares to engage the hordes of Chaos... |
The Chaos horde advances... |
Elf spearmen sneak round the mansion to support the advance on the woodsman's hut. |
Elven knights have slain the woodsman and captured the ring...just in time!!! |